Aluminum is an incredibly popular boat material, thanks to its impressively long lifespan and amazing ability to fight off rust and corrosion. However, just like any other model on the market, aluminum boats will require some basic care and maintenance to ensure they last as long as possible. To make sure your hull stays in good condition for years to come, read our helpful aluminum cleaning guide below.

What You Need

To successfully keep grime and rust off your aluminum boat, you’ll need to gather a number of unique tools to keep your model looking clean and pristine. To start, make sure you have an abundance of soft towels on hand to help dry your boat as well as apply a thick coat of wax and polish. If you don’t already own a set of boat wax and polish you’ll want to head out to the store to find some, as well as a specialized aluminum boat cleaner, and normal boat or automotive detergent. Once you’ve got all of your cleaning products on hand go ahead and grab a pair of gloves, a bucket, a soft bristle brush, and your watering hose to get started. 

Washing Your Boat 

To begin, first read the instructions on your aluminum boat cleaner very carefully. This will include important information on how to dilute the cleaner, how long to let it sit, and whether or not it’s dangerous to get on your bare skin. Once you’ve read the instructions and your cleanser has been successfully diluted, begin thoroughly rinsing your boat from top to bottom. Using your brush and detergent, begin cleaning your hull in small sections, remember to rinse as you go to keep the soap from drying. 

Applying the Aluminum Cleaner

Once your boat has been scrubbed with the detergent, go ahead and rinse it completely to begin applying your aluminum cleaning solution. This should be done in very small sections, and will likely take quite a bit longer than using the boat detergent. However, this cleanser will ensure your aluminum boat stays in pristine condition for a very long time, and actually only needs to be used once or twice a year!

Finishing Up 

Once the aluminum cleaner has been applied, allow it to sit for as long as the instructions state before once again rinsing your boat in its entirety. Using your soft towels, do your best to dry your boat as much as possible. Once completely dry, go ahead and apply your polish and wax in small circular motions, moving around your boat in the same direction each time. Once your wax and polish are dried and buffed, you’re free to cover your boat with the cover and place it safely back into storage. 

Looking for a durable aluminum boat to take on your next boating trip? Then consider visiting us here at LMC Marine Center to browse our enormous selection! Conveniently located in Houston, Texas, we’re proud to serve the nearby city of Conroe, Texas, and offer one of the largest stocks of boats in the entire state!